I started looking for rooms that would suit us and noticed right away that things are speedy in LA. About to give up hope I started looking further out from LA figuring we'd have to commute in a little. Jackpot, we found a nice room at a motel $50/night cheaper than what was in LA. Reviews were pretty good so I sealed the deal and made the reservation. I told Ashley where it was and she got excited saying that it was in her mission but she never got to serve there.
Decent room right? After traveling to the room I started to notice a problem. All the businesses had bars and large garage doors on the windows, the streets were filthy, there was bullet proof glass at the motel check-in, and after going to Wal-Mart an English speaking white guy was the minority.
My co-worker later filled me in about Compton, even played me a rap song called straight out of Compton. (Oh my). On the up side I'm told that I've increased my street "cred" having stayed three nights in Compton. I later learned from Ashley that her excitement to go to Compton was because sisters were not allowed there. Only elder "got" to go there.
Apart from lodging we had a really fun time in LA. We saw some of her friends from her mission.
Went to the beach for some serious castle building, only to see the tide come in and dessimate our work of art.
We had to do the tourist stuff as well consisting of the hop on hop off tour. We did the US Bank glass slide......scary, and had some excellent Korean BBQ.
Yeah, can't forget Chinatown, tidepools, and just having an all out good time.
We had a great time. Sort of getting excited for Emma to come home so we can go visit her mission. Lol.